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2021年4月16-19日,第一届海岸带生态系统与全球变化国际研讨会(1st International Symposium on Coastal Ecosystems and Global Change,简称CoEco1)由厦门大学、中国生态学学会、国际生态学会、太平洋科学协会和国际环境问题科学委员会等联合主办,采用线上线下相结合的形式,会议主题为“Coastal ecosystems and global change”。研讨会旨在为世界各地科学家提供一个良好的沟通平台,分享海岸带生态系统与全球变化研究的新思路、新发现,探讨海岸带生态系统面临的系列挑战,并探寻潜在的解决办法。


请感兴趣的专家学者关注该调整并抓紧时间提交摘要。会议注册和摘要提交请登录会议网站 。


1st International Symposium on Coastal Ecosystems and Global Change (CoEco1)

April 16-19, 2021

Xiamen, China

We are pleased to announce that the First International Symposium on Coastal Ecosystems and Global Change (CoEco1) will be held in Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, China from April 16 to 19, 2021. Founded in 1921, Xiamen University will celebrate its 100th anniversary, and we welcome you to join us in celebrating the centenary. 

Coastal ecosystems is known as one of the most productive ecosystems on the Earth, and they are vital to environmental health, sustaining economic development, and preserving biodiversity. They are also playing an increasingly important role in mitigating climate change and environmental degradation. However, coastal ecosystems are facing unprecedented challenges in the context of global change and increasing anthropogenic activities. Coastal ecosystems have become one of the most vulnerable ecosystems in the world. The aim of the symposium is to bring together scientists all over the world to share the latest scientific discoveries and to discuss, and find potential solutions, the challenges in coastal ecosystems. The main theme of this conference is coastal ecosystems and global change.

On behalf of the Scientific Committee and Organization Committee, we look forward to your participation and contributions. Welcome to beautiful coastal city of Xiamen in southern China! For more please view

Confirmed keynote speakers

·   Robert Costanza  Australian National University, Australia

·   Michael Elliott  University of Hull, UK

·   Catherine Ellen Lovelock   Queensland University, Australia

·   Joe Shing Yip Lee  The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

·   Yonglong Lu  SCOPE, PSA, and Xiamen University, China

·   Kerrylee Rogers  University of Wollongong, Australia

·   Suhua Shi  Sun Yat-sen University, China

·   Nils C. Stenseth  Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and University of Oslo, Norway

·   William Sutherland  Cambridge University, UK

·   Yihui Zhang  Xiamen University, China

Important Dates

Mar. 7, 2021  Abstract submission deadline

Mar. 16, 2021  Registration and hotel reservation deadline

Apr. 10, 2021  Electronic poster submission deadline

Apr. 16-19, 2021  Symposium

Main theme

Coastal ecosystems and global change


1.  Coastal Wetland Ecosystems under Climatic Change

Conveners: Catherine Lovelock (University of Queensland, Australia), Ken Krauss (U.S. Geological Survey, USA)

Coordinator: Luzhen Chen (Xiamen University, China)

2.  Coastal Invasion and its Impacts on Coastal Ecosystem Services

Conveners: James Byers (University of Georgia, USA), Louise Firth (University of Plymouth, UK)

Coordinator: Yihui Zhang (Xiamen University, China)

3.  Global Change and Evolutionary Adaptation

Conveners: Oliver Bossdorf (University of Tübingen, Germany), Suhua Shi (Sun Yat-sen University, China)

Coordinator: Yuanye Zhang (Xiamen University, China)

4.  Long Term Ecological Research for Coastal Ecosystems

Conveners: Steven Pennings (University of Houston, USA), John Kominoski (Florida International University, USA)

Coordinator: Xudong Zhu (Xiamen University, China)

5.  Land-based Human Activity and Sustainable Coastal Development

Conveners: Venu Ittekkot (University of Bremen, Germany), Andrew Johnson (UK Center of Ecology and Hydrology, UK) 

Coordinators: Yangfan Li, Pei Wang (Xiamen University)

6.  Integrated Coastal Ecosystem Management

Conveners: Chris McOwen (UNEP-WCMC, UK), Angel Borja (AZTI, Spain) 

Coordinator: Qinhua Fang (Xiamen University, China)

Conference Contact 

Ms. Xiaolin Ke, Chenjuan Zheng 


Phone: +86-592-2189656

Addres:4221 South Xiang’an Road, Xiang’an District of Xiamen City 

Zipcode: 361102



CoEco1 Symposium-SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT call for abstract.pdf